Sunday, October 22, 2017

My opinions are supported

Here are a couple of research studies that support my opinions.

Fat versus carbs: A seven-year international study of 135,335 people, ages 35 to 70, showed that the people with the highest 20 percent in total fat intake—an average of 35.3 percent of calories from fat—had about 23 percent reduced risk of death compared with the lowest 20 percent, who consumed an average of only 10.6 percent of their calories from fat. The fats could be saturated, polyunsaturated and monounsaturated. What’s more, the higher fat diets were also associated with a lower risk of stroke. As to carbs, those who ate the highest 20 percent had a 28 percent increased risk of death, but not necessary from heart disease. This study was reported in the journal Lancet.

Over-treatment: A survey of 2,106 physicians, indicated that, on average, they believed that 20.6 percent of all medical care was unnecessary, including 22 percent of prescriptions, 24.9 percent of tests, and 11.1 percent of procedures. For example, they believe that a quarter of all spine surgeries may not be necessary as well as half of all stents placed in arteries. About 60 percent of doctors said patients demanded unnecessary treatment. They also said there are too many operations done for narrowed blood vessels in the legs. What the heck is that? I’ve never heard of such a thing. (I had painful varicose veins stripped from my leg when I was in my 20's and am glad I did. Pain went away. Plus the doc discovered I had an extra vein, which I guess can come in handy.)

Anyhow: eat fat! Avoid medical procedures (mostly)!

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