About Me

Connie Leas
First of all, I'm old. I was born in 1936. This photo is also old, so I don't look that good now (although I'm still wearing those clothes). My friend, Kristi McKenzie took the photo during a group visit to Guernsey about 15 years ago.

Over 20 years ago, I retired from a career as a technical writer, a job that suited me very well. I liked doing the research, organizing the material, and explaining technical subjects in understandable language.  The work was always challenging and took a certain amount of courage. For example, one of my first assignments was to write a training manual for the US Marines called “How to Maintain and Repair the Standayne DB2 Fuel Injection Pump.” Not only did I have to learn how to calibrate the pump, I had to teach it to the Marines! Now I write as a hobby, picking my own subjects and working without deadlines.

I liked science in school and have been interested in medicine for a long time. I do have some scientific credentials—a BA in zoology from Pomona College (1958), and an MS in entomology from Michigan State University (1980).

As to health regimens and medicine for myself, I'm pretty relaxed. In fact, I haven't had a checkup since 2002. I rarely get sick, but have the normal aches and pains of old age. I take no prescription medicines, although I take Advil several times a week. I do believe exercise is important, so I go to Jazzercise and yoga and play golf twice a week.

Overall, I think people worry too much about things such as saturated fat (it's good for you!), "hydration" (a word I hate), and germs (e.g., fear of toilet seats). I think our bodies strive for homeostasis--to be in balance. For example, thirst leads us to drink; if we diet to get thin, our appetites increase to get us back to our normal weight.

My husband, Speed, and I live in Boulder Creek, California, a small town in the Santa Cruz Mountains.


  1. Connie,
    I look forward to reading your weekly blog. Best wishes and I am awaiting the next installment. Ann

  2. Hi Connie -- I'm wondering if you will see this. I've enjoyed your posts for a few years now (since becoming friends with Don J):-). I am changing from one email to another for this, and have unsubscribed. That sent me here to subscribe withe a new email, but I can't get the thing to work. (Down where it says, "Subscribe to: Posts (Atom)." Thought you should know. I am logged in here with a good gmail account. Maybe your posts will now start to come in there. bob
