Sunday, October 9, 2022

A New Book: Don't Worry About It: Health Advice You Can Ignore

 I’ve written a new book, called Don’t Worry About It: Health Advice You Can Ignore. You can get it on Amazon. It's a compilation of some of the posts I've been writing since 2015. 

Here’s the blurb I wrote about it: 

People worry unnecessarily about many aspects of their health—such as their cholesterol, blood pressure, and salt consumption. Don’t Worry About It provides evidence-based information to reduce that worry. It refutes much of conventional advice, not only regarding medical treatments but also regarding everyday health concerns, such as eating food past its “sell by” date, getting enough sleep, and losing weight. What’s more, it explains how to limit your interactions with our health care system—an enterprise that routinely turns healthy people into patients through pointless office visits, useless tests, overly strict guidelines, dubious medications, and misguided advice. In our current climate of increasing frustration with our health care system, Don’t Worry About It offers timely encouragement for trusting your body to keep in balance.

For an introduction to this blog, see I Just Say No; for a list of blog topics, click the Topics tab.

1 comment:

  1. Connie Leas has produced a book full of well-researched commonsense advice for keeping yourself healthy and well informed. Her examples relate to our everyday lives and address frequently considered health concerns. It answers and puts to rest many questions regarding which broadly accepted health advice to listen to or ignore. Love the information on drinking 10 glasses of water a day. Turns out it is a promotion by bottled water companies! Her research is thorough and well grounded in medical literature. The book is interesting and sorely needed in the pantheon of health literature. Definitely recommend.
