Sunday, August 14, 2022

White hair returns to brown!

 Slow news day.

Here’s an interesting article I read in the New England Journal of Medicine: A 51-year-old man with chronic myeloid leukemia had been tread for a year and a half with a medicine called nilotnib, a “tyrosine kinase inhibitor.” When he visited the oncology clinic for a routine follow-up, the medical personnel were surprised to see that his normally white hair (photo on left) had returned to the brown of his younger self.

During the same period, he had not started any other new medications and had used no hair-coloring products. Other than his hair returning to brown, the scientists saw no other changes in his hair, skin, or "mucosal pigmentation." Molecular testing showed a “deep molecular response,” which sounds impressive although I’m not sure what it means.

Don’t try this at  home.

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