Wednesday, June 15, 2022

My knee replacements

 On May 17th I had my right knee replaced. Four weeks later, on June 14th, I had my left knee replaced. I wanted to get it all over with.

I’m writing this on June 15th, lying on the couch and typing on my iPad with my left index finger. We’ll see how it goes. Normally I write these posts using Word on my desktop computer, then copy and paste them into the Blogger app. But my desktop computer is upstairs.

I’m doing well. The pain isn't too bad and I can bend it and straighten my leg pretty well. So far, I haven’t needed to take many pain meds. A physical therapist came here today. She said she was impressed with my progress.

My surgeon is Alexander Sah. Here’s his picture. When he calls, maybe I’ll ask him how old he is. I do know that he’s performed about 1500 of these surgeries and that his resume is 35 pages long. I chose him because of friends’ rave reviews.

Sah and his partner established The Center for Joint Restoration and Research at Washington Hospital in Fremont, about an hour’s drive north from our house. An entire wing of the hospital is devoted to this outfit. I found it interesting that not one of the many people dealing with me was white. They were a mix of Chinese, African, Indian, and I don’t know what else. All the patients I saw were white. I looked up the demographics of Fremont: 61 percent Asian, 22 percent white.

I hope all this lying around on the couch day after day doesn’t atrophy all my muscles. I’m looking forward to getting back to golf and gardening (house cleaning not so much).

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