Sunday, May 15, 2022

I’m getting my knees rebuilt

My left knee is swollen and doesn’t want to bend. My right knee seems to be impinging on a branch of my sciatic nerve that travels on the outside of the knee. It affects my whole leg. My x-ray shows severe arthritis. Oddly, my knees don’t hurt when I’m just walking on flat ground. But if I stand too long, or do yard or housework, my legs hurt enough to drive me toward surgery. It’s scheduled for May 17th.

"The knees are the first thing to go."

I will be going to The Institute for Joint Restoration in Fremont, an hour’s drive from home. Dr. Alexander Sah will be doing the surgery. He comes highly recommended by friends and others in the know, including big shot docs at Stanford, and is routinely listed in various publications as one of the best orthopedic surgeons.  I called his office on a Friday and left a message inquiring about doing both knees at once. On Saturday, he returned the call and was willing to talk as long as I wanted. Unusual surgeon! (He advised against doing both at once.)

The surgery is described as “minimally invasive,” meaning they don’t cut through muscle, etc. I watched a video of the surgery. It includes sawing, hammering, and glue. Maybe not "invasive," but....! It takes an hour. If all goes well, I’ll go home he same day.

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