Sunday, November 15, 2020

Your nails know

 Recently, a specialist looked at my sister’s fingernails for a clue in diagnosing her ailment. Yes. The condition of your fingernails can signify various maladies:

·       White nails (the whole nail): liver diseases, such as hepatitis; low protein stores; kidney failure.

·       Yellow nails: respiratory disease such as chronic bronchitis; fungal infection.

·       Blue nails: lung issues, such as emphysema; heart problems; excessive silver consumption; bacterial infection of the nail; Wilson’s disease (a genetic condition that causes high levels of copper in the body).

·       Dark lines under the nail: possible sign of melanoma, but can also be moles, trauma, or medication-induced changes.

·       Clubbing (see photo below): lung disease; inflammatory bowel disease; heart disease; liver disease; thyroid disease; HIV/AIDS.

·       Horizontal indentations: diabetes; severe injury; past illness or medication exposure; zinc deficiency.

·       Pitting: psoriasis; connective tissue disorders.

·       Spoon shape (depressed and scooped out): iron deficiency anemia; hemochromatosis; heart disease; hypothyroidism.

·       Separation from nail bed: thyroid disease; psoriasis; injury or infection; reaction to drugs or consumer products.

I didn't say anything about how nails change as we age. My fingernails have curved inward from the sides. I found no information on that. 

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