Sunday, October 11, 2020

Do not refrigerate

Because we had to evacuate for more than two weeks to escape the CZU August Lightning Complex Fire, I learned a thing or two about refrigeration. Our power had been out during this period and our refrigerator had been sitting at room temperature. When we returned it was foul smelling, to say the least. Of course, we had to throw out much of its contents, the worst of which was the rotted meat (eau de dead person). But I didn’t throw out everything. I decided to sniff and taste.

The most surprising was the almost full quart of pomegranate juice. I tasted it. It was fine! So I started examining and tasting other items, such as olives. They were also fine. I ended up keeping more of the jars that sit in the refrigerator door than I threw away—such items as pickles, capers, mustards, hot sauces and everything else that was either salty, vinegary, or spicy hot. I guess that’s sort of a no-brainer, when you think about it.

I’ve never refrigerated items such as tomatoes, onions, potatoes, all kinds of fruit. But I did a little research and discovered that, in addition to the other items I’ve mentioned, you don’t need to refrigerate eggs (unless cracked, of course). I threw away three of them that I could have saved (they’re displayed in refrigerated sections at the market)! You don’t need to refrigerate syrups (spoilage bacteria can’t grow when the sugar content is high). You also don’t need to refrigerate butter—which I knew. I always leave one stick on the kitchen counter but refrigerate the rest, which I’ll keep doing just for convenience. On an earlier occasion, I also learned, thanks to friends who had been house-sitting, that you don’t need to refrigerate peanut butter. It’s so much easier to spread at room temperature! 

All of my spicy, salty, vinegary items are still in the door of the refrigerator. I’m used to them being there and know where to find them.

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