Sunday, January 8, 2017

Recap for 2016

This January marks the second anniversary of my blog. I thought I might have run out of material by now, but it hasn't happened. I will soldier on.

I turned 80 last August and have learned the truth of the adage, "old age is not for sissies." As you know if you follow this blog, I try to avoid doctors, procedures, and medicines. However, last year, I did go to doctors a few times.

I've been to the dermatologist once or twice because of skin cancer. For me, this is kind of  ho hum.

I've been to orthopedic doctors a few times: once because of an accident in which my leg swelled horribly and stayed that way (no serious damage), and a couple of times because bending my knee was painful. An MRI showed that I have a "shredded" meniscus (cartilage) in one knee.  It turns out the pain is caused by excess fluid, which is caused by inflammation, which is caused by the messed-up meniscus. Except for two cortisone shots, I’m not doing anything about it. The cortisone shots helped, but my squatting days are over. At least it doesn’t hurt to walk.

I have discovered that Advil wreaks havoc on my immune system. One of those orthopedic guys had suggested four Advil pills morning and night for hip bursitis. After about a week of that regimen I got a terrible cold. So I stopped, but I kept using it in smaller doses, probably too often, with the result that I had two more colds last year—absolutely unheard of for me. I usually get one cold every five years at most. The journal, Cell Immunology says that ibuprofen (Advil) interferes with antibody production. Antibodies neutralize sick-making bacteria and viruses that are hanging around just waiting to pounce when my guard is down. 

Now I am 100% med free. No other anti-inflammatory did anything for me. So I’m just toughing it out. That's where not being a sissy comes in.

Other than that, I'm doing OK, golfing, going to Jazzercise and yoga, etc. I still refuse annual checkups including any blood workups. I think it's been 13 years since I last had one. I'm sticking with that program.

For an introduction to this blog, see I Just Say No; for a list of blog topics, click the Topics tab.

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