Sunday, October 4, 2015

Plantar fasciitis--an easy home remedy

It seems that at any one time someone I know has plantar fasciitis. At the moment, that person is my roommate from college—an old lady like me. I’ve also had it, and fixed it on my own. (Plantar fasciitis is inflammation of the plantar fascii, a thick band that connects your heel to your toe. When it’s inflamed, it’s quite painful.)

Here’s how I fixed mine: I was at an exercise class about 15 years ago and complaining about the stabbing pain on the bottom of my foot. A guy overheard me and said he fixed his plantar fasciitis using tape. He swore by this method. So I got on line and found the taping instructions in a Runner’s World article. I applied athletic tape, as instructed, and in a few days the pain was gone. It has never returned.

Recently, when my friend had the problem, I looked up the taping instructions again and noticed that the technique had changed somewhat. Anyhow, you can get the instructions from the internet. Here’s one site

Many, if not most, people see a doctor about the problem. The doctor may give you a cortisone shot. Cortisone shots often provide only temporary relief. As happened with my friend, she got the shot and a couple of weeks later the pain was back. She has now taped her foot and reports much improvement. I had a bad experience with a cortisone shot and wouldn’t do it again.

Next week: Cortisone shots--maybe not such a good idea

For an introduction to this blog, see I Just Say No.

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