Sunday, August 30, 2015

Chiropractic--sometimes just what's needed

About 15 or 20 years ago I developed a muscle spasm in my back near my shoulder blades. It wouldn’t go away and was driving me crazy. I went to the doctor who hadn’t a clue what to do. I tried acupuncture, which didn’t work either. The only thing that worked was gin and ibuprofen, but I couldn’t keep up that regimen. Then I remembered my husband’s cousin talking about a chiropractor who he described as a “miracle worker.” I had never been to a chiropractor and was a bit suspicious, but at that point, I had nothing to lose. Besides, it made sense to me. The problem was probably structural. So I made an appointment.

I remember sitting miserably in his waiting room, feeling really uncomfortable. When he saw me and diagnosed the problem, he said, “I can fix that.” He adjusted my neck and, presto, the problem went away! I’ve never had it again. I have kept going to him with my various aches and pains. The problems don’t typically get fixed instantly the way my first one did. But over time, things eventually get straightened out. Now I go once a month for a “tune up.”

Given the fact that the spinal cord runs through the center of our vertebrae and that all the nerves in our lower bodies connect to the spinal cord, it seems logical that misalignment of the spine can have profound effects on different parts of the body, depending on the location of the problem. What’s more, the discs separating the vertebrae are also affected by a misaligned spine: they can rupture and swell. Setting the spine to rights relieves the pressure on the discs.

Most commonly, chiropractors manipulate (adjust) the spine by applying a controlled force into joints that have become restricted, either because of a single traumatic event or through repetitive stresses. Manipulation of the affected joints and tissues restores structural integrity and allows tissues to heal.

As far as I can see, doctors of traditional medicine don’t have many options when it comes to spinal or misalignment problems. They can prescribe medication or they can operate—fuse the vertebrae perhaps or insert a spacer between vertebrae. Chiropractic seems like the logical choice for structural problems. But, as with other medical professionals, chiropractors are not all the same. I just lucked out and got a good one right off the bat. A couple of times, when my regular chiropractor wasn’t available, I tried other people. One was good; the other not very good.

Next week: Breast cancer: Unnecessary surgeries

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  1. Chiropractors are skilled at adjusting the spinal cord and back muscles in order to relieve persistent pain and stiffness. Patients can also do simple exercise at home that can minimize the need for frequent chiropractic adjustments. For example, stretching of major joints should become a daily routine especially for adults who often feel stress and strain in their backs and necks.

    Mark Wallace @ Chiropractic Memphis

    1. Thanks, Mark. I agree. I do yoga and other stretching exercises. I like having my monthly chiropractic tune-up. Am going today.

  2. Chiropractors surely can work miracles. I remember a few years back I had a problem with my shoulder that was bothering me, and after multiple useless doctors appointments I ended up going to a chiropractor they adjusted a few things on me,and I felt better almost immediately. It truly can fix some things that traditional medicine is limited in.

    Prince Baughman @ Everybody's Chiropractic

  3. Thanks, Prince. That has certainly been my experience.

  4. I have never been a fan of the chiropractor, although never been there, I just assumed it was a waste. So after the pain from my car accident was overwhelming, I took the plunge. This was the single best decision that I made in my last 30 years. I feel better today after each visit than I have since I was a kid.

    Hugh Mounsey @ US Health Works - Bellevue

    1. Thanks, Hugh. Just went myself for a knee problem. It's great that you had such a good experience. He or she must be good!
