Saturday, July 25, 2015

Skin cancer whack-a-mole (II)

This is part two of this week’s skin cancer post. The firstpart describes my experiences with skin cancer. This part explains the difference between actinic keratosis and the three types of cancers:
  • Actinic keratosis: a pre-cancerous patch of thick, scaly, or crusty skin. Though they are considered pre-cancerous, less than 1% develop into squamous cell cancers per year (per person). The usual treatment for actinic keratosis is to freeze them off with liquid nitrogen. 
  • Basal cell carcinoma: the most common kind of skin cancer and the most common kind of cancer in humans. Basal cell carcinoma is simply cancer of the basal cells in the skin—the cells in the lowest layer of the epidermis. (See illustration below.) They grow slowly, but should be treated because they can grow into nearby areas and invade the bone or other tissues beneath the skin. Basal cell cancers are surgically removed.

  • Squamous cell carcinoma: like basal cell carcinomas, they are cancers of a layer of skin cells—the squamous cells. Squamous cell cancers are more likely to grow into deeper layers of skin and spread to other parts of the body than basal cell cancers, although this is uncommon. At any rate, they’re considered more dangerous than basal cell carcinomas. Apparently 60% of squamous cancers arise from pre-existing actinic keratosis. These cancers are surgically removed.
  •  Melanoma cancers: develop from melanocytes, the pigment-making cells of the skin. Melanocytes can also form moles--benign (non-cancerous) growths. Melanomas are much less common than basal and squamous cell cancers, but they are more likely to grow and spread if left untreated.
You can find plenty of pictures of these kind of cancers on the internet, but I don’t recommend it.

Next week: Some dermatological surgery rip-offs

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  1. Herbal medicine utilized for this issue reduces the skin wounds as well as cure the torment. It is an astonishing arrangement that can be utilized for each kind of Actinic Keratosis Treatment.

  2. White Rock Laser Clinic has established a dominant position in the market by offering a wide range of services such wrinkles removal, birth marks, body hair removal, age spots removal,Wart and skin, Veins removal and much more. We have occupied the market by creating a powerful brand and large customer base through delivering reliable and healthy cosmetic treatments.

  3. Thanks for such a informative blog post.

  4. Thank you for your kind words! I appreciate hearing from you.

  5. Actinic keratosis some of the time referred to as sun based keratosis or sun spots, is a pre- cancerous skin condition. There are numerous Actinic Keratosis Treatment options. After diagnosing your actinic keratosis, your specialist will consider these factors.

  6. Along with whatever treatment your medical doctors prescribe, there are some home remedies and Natural Treatment for Actinic Keratosis you can try to help get rid of the cosmetic aspect of the spots: the rough, scaly, discolored patches of skin.

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